About Me

Hey there! I'm a passionate full-stack developer with a knack for creating dynamic and user-friendly web applications. My tech toolbox includes JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Django, Python, and MySQL, which I've honed through self-taught dedication and a love for coding. One of my proudest achievements is building a full-stack Django e-commerce website, showcasing my ability to bring complex projects to life from scratch. My journey as a developer has been driven by curiosity, creativity, and a relentless drive to learn and innovate. When I'm not immersed in code, you can find me whipping up delicious dishes in the kitchen. Cooking is my creative outlet, and just like in coding, I love experimenting with new recipes and techniques. And when it's time to unwind, nothing beats blasting Beyoncé's "Run the World"—it's my ultimate power anthem! Whether it's in the realm of tech or the kitchen, I believe in pushing boundaries and creating something amazing. Let's connect and make something awesome together!

How I got into Tech

Hey there, thank you for stopping by my website. My name is Wanjiru Njuguna, a full-stack developer based in Kenya. This part of my website is mostly for showcasing my projects. However, you can read about how I got into tech on my main blog.